Can you say yes to a healthier happier life with less pollution?
Less air pollution means:
less asthma, bronchitis, diabetes,
fewer heart attacks and strokes,
less lung cancer, emphysema, etc.
The editors of the British medical journal, The Lancet, wrote about what could happen
with radical pollution reductions: "cleaner skies, healthier diets...& safer places to live."
And the less pollution, the healthier your skin.
"Scientists have...found evidence of air pollution traveling from a pregnant mother’s lungs into the placenta."
Oftentimes, "your biggest daily exposure to air pollutants comes while driving your car”.
How to keep cool during extreme heat waves?
Go to this link for more suggestions:
If your home is not air-conditioned, find an air-conditioned building
"Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink"
And "drink more water than usual"
Regarding hurricanes:
- "Follow evacuation orders
- Run from the water, hide from the wind"
Deforestation is one reason to boycott palm oil. Another is your health:
"Palm high in saturated actually raises LDL cholesterol."
Let's encourage everyone to be healthy:
"You don't need to eat red meat to get...essential nutrients."
"Red associated with an increased risk of...
cardiovascular disease, colorectal cancer and type 2 diabetes."