Which "solution" will be the most powerful for you? Check the calculators.

If the South side of your roof
gets plenty of sun, you could
harvest "free" energy -
with solar panels.
Or, you might not wish to, because of unethical panel manufacturing.
It's complicated.​​​
The Chinese cornered the solar market partly by using forced labor in Communist concentration camps (of the minority Uyghur people).
Consequently, (2021) Congress passed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
which was intended to prevent such products from reaching the USA, and to help competitor companies in the "free-world". ​​​​
On 1/15/25, the USA blocked a few dozen more companies from being allowed to sell tainted items here - a positive development.
​​​ Have a look at the two links here - "There is no reason that green technology should go hand in hand with human rights abuses" -
and make your own decision.
​​​For basic information about rooftop solar - with glossary, go here. (Thanks to Ms. Platt's students!)
To get sunlight access information about your location go to: Project Sunroof.
Getting a loan to pay for installation is usually better than leasing: leasing-vs-buying
A credit union may have a better loan than a bank or contractor. Search: credit unions near me​
When shopping, compare the warranties of the panels and inverters. Micro-inverters are best if any of the panels are occasionally in shade.
SolarReviews and EcoWatch rate top solar companies, although Ethical Consumer magazine gives none of them a good score (for reasons mentioned above). Sharp might be the best of the not-so-good, as it "scored reasonably well in many ... categories".
​​How many panels to put up will depend on your budget, rooftop space, and sunlight access. Our costs came to $4,000 for 5 panels (a small project) several years ago, and we got the cheaper, less efficient, polycrystalline panels. "After solar incentives, [costs range from] $10,000 to $30,000 for an average American household."
You may get back about 30% of the cost of the installation with next year's taxes.
For details on the Investment Tax Credit go to the Rebates and Tax Credits page.
Also consider that solar panels "will likely increase your home’s value".
Click on this link to find professionals installers within California;​ for other states, go here: energysage.​
It often makes sense to get a battery storage system installed at the same time as the rooftop solar system.
When there's an electrical blackout, you will not be able to use the electricity from your roof, UNLESS
- you have an "SPS" system
- you have battery storage and
- you can (temporarily) disconnect from the utility grid