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Here's a list of the some of the world's biggest plastics profiteers:


 - ExxonMobil 

 - Dow

 - Royal Dutch Shell 

 - Procter & Gamble

 - Nestle

 - BP

 - Coca-Cola

 - Chevron

 - Unilever

 "You and your organization are   highly compromised by...


 plastics producers on the board of 

 Keep America Beautiful." 


 For more on Keep America Beautiful, 

 go to the PR/Marketing page. 

 "Humans invented plastic, and animals are harmed by it. 

 They eat it, they get caught in it, or get sick because of it." 

 “Exxon is...deeply involved with undermining efforts to rein in plastics pollution.” 


 “Plastics Are Still in Demand.” 


 “Exxon’s plastics business is turning record profits.” 




 To  learn  about  how  Big  Oil,  the  petro-chemical  industry,  big  banks, 

 and  our  political  representatives  perpetuate  plastic  pollution,  watch  one  of  these  videos:  


​  Plastic Recycling is a...Scam - Climate Town (8:45

​  Plastics: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (22:23

​  Plastic Wars - FRONTLINE  (53:15

​  The Plastic Problem - PBS   (54:08

 As Rollie Williams explains in his Climate Town video, 

 plastics companies are trying to pull off a double scam: 


 1) to get people to purchase more plastic AND 


 2) to get people to believe in fraudulent "plastic recycling".

 Reuters  produced  a  lengthy  expose  on  how  this  scam  has  played  out  in  different  localities. 

 The  following  quotations  are  from  their  special  report: 



 “More  than  90%  gets  dumped  or  incinerated  because  there’s  no  cheap  way  to  repurpose   it.” 



 “Plastic  production...will  be  the  biggest  growth  market  for  oil  demand  over  the  next  decade.” 



 “The  American  Chemistry  Council  (ACC)  urging  U.S.  ease  regulations.” 



 “The  ACC,  the  chemicals  trade  group...spent  $14  million  lobbying  members  of  Congress." 

 "The  U.S.  is  the  world’s  leading  generator  of  plastic  waste,  at  287  pounds  per  capita


 It’s  clogging  the  oceans,  and  poisoning  plankton  and  whales." 


 To  explore  how  to  live  plastic-free,  go  to  Beyond  Plastics  or  The Wildlife Trusts

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