“buy more goods,
own more cars,
have larger houses
that take more energy to heat and cool.”
And spend more time flying.
“ Consuming…is akin to polluting.”
“The wealthy bear the greatest responsibility.”
"Climate policies should target wealthy polluters.”
So let’s blame the “rich”? Fair enough, but who is “rich” actually?
Could it be yourself?
The "top 50%" of income earners (USA) receive more than $41,740 annually.
"Middle-income" (world population) is between $15k and $30,000 per year.
Many white (USA) households get more than $100,000 yearly.
While non-white US households average under $20k.
"An income of $38,000 is enough to put someone in the world's richest 10%."
“We feel some angst over the disconnect between how we wish to see ourselves versus how we really are.”
"The annual [USA] income for farmworkers’ families usually does
not exceed $24,500.”
“This...increases pressure on farmworkers to endure exploitive
and dangerous heat conditions."
"Black and Latino people...are disproportionately burdened with air
pollution in the USA."
​ “Black Americans...are 3 times as likely to die from asthma.”
"Indigenous populations are suffering." In Alaska, the worsening weather
"exacerbates existing social problems, including food security,
overcrowded housing and struggles with mental health and addiction."
"As the earth warms...more air-conditioning is needed...[but] most people are too poor to afford" it.
"We are on track for...a catastrophe...visited primarily upon the world’s poor by the world’s rich."
In our Twenty-First Century post-modern world,
almost one billion people don't have electricity.
DOUBLE that number don't have access to
I take these things for granted; don’t you?
"The effect of pollution is radically oriented toward harming the poor and deprived."
"The poor 'live in neighborhoods with the greatest exposure to...extreme weather events'.”
“Low-income...minority communities are...particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution."
“Global warming is likely to make poor parts of the world even poorer.”
"We [shouldn't be] more concerned with generating profits than saving people,”
Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley (March 2022).