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 "Places  hit  repeatedly  by  hurricanes,  floods  and  wildfires  are 

 unraveling:  residents  and  employers  leave,  the  tax  base  shrinks...

 it  becomes  even  harder  to  fund  basic  services." 

 "'We need to free ourselves from a sense of guilt'... 

 'We do not have the moral duty to welcome...people who are worse off than ourselves'." 


 Mateo Renzi, former "centrist liberal" Prime Minister of Italy 

 From the article, "The Invisible Wall" by Ian Urbina; The New Yorker, December 6, 2021 

 "24  million  people  were   displaced  by  weather-related  2019" 


 "Over  one  billion...children  live 

 in  countries classified  as  'high  risk'." 


 As  the  world's  weather worsens

 will  they  stay  or  will  they  leave? 

“By  2050...[we]  could  have  143  million  climate  refugees —   displaced  by...expanding  deserts  and  rising  seas.” 


 U.S.  military  planners  are  studying  contingency  options. 


“Jose  Luis  Zelaya...came  to  the  United  States  after  living  through  Hurricane  Mitch,  [which]  killed  more  than  11,000  people  across  Central  America.” 


“After  the  hurricane  there  was  a  lot  of  chaos. 

 A  lot  of  people  were  looking  for  water. 

 A  lot  of  people  were  looking  for  medicine.”   

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“Climate  out  people 

 who  can  no  longer  cultivate  their  land.” 


 If  that  were  you,  where  would  you  go? 


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