The person is not the problem, the pollution is the problem.
Could a boycott lead to changes by governments or corporations?
The following quotes are from "Reducing Your Carbon Footprint Still Matters":
“People taking [personal] one of the best ways to get...policy-level change.”
“Lifestyle change can build momentum for systemic change.”
“When individuals supplement policy efforts with...action, they inspire new social norms.”
“People contribute more when they see others do it too.”
Especially “When conservation requires some sacrifice.”
If you'd like to improve your advocacy skills, consider the following:
“Advocates are judged for inconsistency between their behavior and advocacy."
“Advocates...are more influential when they...reduce their personal...footprint.”
"Climate Researchers’ Carbon Footprints Affect Their Credibility."
“Climate...communicators’...footprints affect...audience’s policy support.”
The "Carbon Footprint is a useful tool for climate science and policy.
Once in a while, an article criticizing it for being 'invented by big oil'
appears in the media...It's a wrong take. Here's why..."
MichaÅ‚ Czepkiewicz@mczepkiewicz ·Aug 25
" 'Individual and collective action don’t have to be pitted against each other'."
Anti-pollution advocacy involves giving audiences bad news. For advice:
​ communicating-bad-news-comfort ​
Wikipedia explains how “lifestyle change can build momentum for systemic change”.