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 Profits / Investments 


  With  ever-more  floods  and  fires,  how  are  insurance  analysts  planning  for  the  future?  



  •   The  “National  Flood  Insurance  Program  has  paid  to  rebuild  houses  that  have  flooded  6  times  over.”  


  •   We  "face  brutal  choices  about  which  communities  to  save — often  at  exorbitant costs — and  which  to  sacrifice.” 


 Insurance companies, investors, and businesses deliberate over ethical quandaries regarding pollution. 


 The story of Monsanto provides an example of how profits are valued compared to poison: 

“Monsanto  knew...their  PCBs  were  harmful  and  pervasive...and  kept  selling  them...

They  [hid]  the  order  to  [make  a]  profit.” 


“‘Monsanto  went  for  the  profits  instead  of  for  public  health’.”

Monsanto  went  to  great  lengths  to  intimidate  farmers: 


They  hired  private  enforcers  to  spread  fear;  they  would  sometimes  show  a  farmer  a  photo  of  himself  coming  out  of  a  store,  to  let  him  know  he  is  being  followed.” 


The  hired  bully  may  tell  the  farmer,  Monsanto  is  big.   You  can’t  win.   We  will  get  you.   You  will  pay’.”  

 Are investors or corporate leaders willing to grab money - in any unethical manner - as long as they don’t go to jail? 

Oftentimes yes Bringing in big bucks is what they are hired to do. 




 ESG investing (Environmentally-aware, Socially-responsible, Good-governing) has grown, but much of it is greenwashing







 A lot of this money-moving is to gain profit (or to avoid losing $), not to help clear the atmosphere. 




  • "Liberty Mutual is insuring new tar sands pipelines, coal mines, oil rigs, and...fossil fuel extraction.”

  • ​

  •  Real estate values have yet to drop in fire/flood prone areas.  




 The “stranded assets” problem complicates the trillion dollar betting.  When, exactly, is the transition to renewables going to  take place?  Investors don’t want to jump off the pollution-fueled gravy train until the last moment. 


  •  Fossil-fuels “are likely to become stranded assets, and investors don’t want to be left holding the bag.”


  • “Most of those fuels will need to stay in the ground, meaning the money still flowing to...oil and inflating a multi-trillion-dollar bubble.”

  • ​

  • “In a worst-case scenario, people will keep investing in fossil fuels until suddenly the demand they expected does not materialize and they realize that what they own is worthless."




 Will there be miscalculations if countries/companies try to make the transition too soon - 

 perhaps leaving the consumers who still depend on dirty fuels in the lurch?  


Some fossil-fuel companies suggest similar planning as automakers: “Black pays for Green”:


This means using current pollution-related profits to gradually invest in and prepare for a transition to a low emissions economy.  Carmakers can produce electric cars, and oil/gas companies can become wind/solar companies -

but only after they make as much money as possible from the more-polluting/more-profitable older style of business.

 “ ‘The  latest  words  from  a  [ Big  Oil ]...chairman,  Black  pays  for  Green, 

 refer  to  the  80%  of  flow...from  oil  and  gas’.” 


​ Can  these  for-profit  companies,  or  their  banks,  be  trusted  to  give  up  old  habits? 




  •  In  2020  the  CEO  of  Volkswagen  was  removed: 

  •  “after  weeks  of  squabbling...over...cost  cutting  plans...for  a  radical  shift  toward  electric  cars.” 

  • ​

  •  “Since  the  end  of  the  Paris  climate  talks,  [JPMorgan]  Chase  has  reportedly  committed  $196,000,000,000 

  •  in  financing  for  the  fossil-fuel  industry.” 

  • ​

  •  “Banks...have  continued  to  profit  from  illicit  dealings  with  disreputable  people  and  criminal  networks.” 

  • ​

  •  “Climate  change…[will]  wreak  havoc  in  the  real  estate  market.” 

  • ​


 Here’s  the  story  of  one  gas  station  owner: 


 “Mehdi  Mahmoodi  owns  12...stations…

 He  has  not...installed  an  EV  charger…'because  there’s  not  really  much  profit.” 

 An  "EV  charger  will  cost  $125,000  to  $150,000…

 a  double  sided  gas  pump...can  be  constructed  for  $20,000.” 

% of economy

Pollution-producing businesses make up a big part of the US economy:


Autos  - 3.5%

Tourism 3%

Aviation - 5.5%

Energy  -  6.6%

Beef   -  1%

Dairy  -  1%


If other pollution-heavy businesses (shipping / steel / timber / tobacco / cement / aluminium / ammonia-based fertilizer / trucking / the military / etc.), add up to 5% of the US economy, the total would reach 25%!


¼ of the GDP of the United States comes, somehow, from polluting enterprises!?!  Is that accurate?


You can see why there’s been no significant greenhouse pollution reductions since scientists started warning us to stop.  Are you willing to quit your job - if applicable?





Consider how we spend our money:​


USA Refinery yield 1993 - 2010: 


 46% - Finished Motor Gasoline 

 29.5% - Distillate Fuel Oil (for trucks, locomotives...tractors...home heating and electric power) 

 9.1% - Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel”-----





Investors will sell the shares they hold in fossil-fuels (and invest in other areas, such as renewables)

if you and I stop buying fossil-fuel products.  Take note of the following news items:



  • “‘Oil companies don’t...put themselves out of business

  •  'If this is...sunset...for oil and gas, someone forgot to tell consumers’.” 





  •  “The U.S. represents about five percent of the human population,

  •   but it consumes a quarter of the world's oil.”


  •  “The transportation sector is still 92 percent powered by petroleum products.”



              Our spending habits send the investor community a message.  What do you want them to hear? 


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