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After retiring from the San Francisco Department of Public Health, I wanted to help the environment.


Some of us asked our pension fund

to divest from fossil-fuels,

but we had only limited success.


Meanwhile, my wife and I dramatically cut our own greenhouse gas emissions.


I joined groups urging

political leaders to do much more,

much sooner, to stop toxic pollution. 

However, progress was slow

at every governmental level: 

city, county, and state.


What I felt was missing was talking about the CAUSES of the problem. 


Too few of us see the connections between our own behavior, 

the consequences of local pollution, and slowly worsening weather.


It came to me that a "boycott of pollution" might be a good way to

 - spread information,

 - motivate people, 

 - reduce deadly pollution, 

 - and spark economic &

 - political momentum

toward cleaner, healthier air and

better weather forecasts.



Can you help make it happen?




DAP & dogs _ Baker Beach Xmas 2015.jpg
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