Pollution Calculators
Calculator Instructions:
1.) Skim through the calculators quickly. Guess at your answers; don't be precise.
2.) Don't get distracted by offset-selling or donation-asking!
​​ Focus on how you create pollution.
Is it mostly through your automobile? Airfare? ​
How to Boycott:
1. go through the Calculators
2. tackle the Solutions
3. make a Commitment
4. tell everyone, including political, business & media leaders
Each of the four calculators can be confusing. Don't worry. Stick with fast'n'sloppy estimates.
This first one was developed in the UK (Britain).
- for the car, estimate number of miles
- in the Flights section, substitute the US for the UK, or make a guess:
1. Carbon Footprint Calculator
When done, come back to boycottpollution.org!
2. Ecological Footprint Calculator:
- hit x (for English),
- after sliding to each answer, click on the right arrow >
- no need to sign up for anything
- the results/summary is confusing - skip it - then return here (boycottpollution.org)
3. WWF (UK) Footprint Calculator:
- click on the MEASURE YOUR IMPACT box
- answer the questions. (think of a BRITISH POUND as approximately the same as a US DOLLAR)
- skip the question about location
- note the "BREAKDOWN" of how many tons of pollution you generate in a year, and which way you do so.
Finally, for a more comprehensive, USA-oriented calculator, try:
4. CoolClimate Network Household Calculator
- answer the initial "get started" questions, then click the airplane (Travel) icon
- enter how many miles per year (of each type), then hit NEXT
- guess at the Home questions
- slide the Food answer bars as appropriate
- slide the final 2 (Shopping) answer bars, and return to visit boycott pollution. ​
"Quantifying how much...it takes
to support one’s lifestyle
helps us...learn what we can do."
(from Science and the Global Environment, 2017; by Alan McIntosh and Jennifer Pontius)
You can re-take the calculator questionnaires at any time,
but your personal pollution production won't start to decline
until you make Solutions happen.