Tourism / Airplanes / Travel / Cruise ships
“The ... tourism industry has dragged its feet [on] the climate crisis.”
“Global tourism contributes ... 8% [of the world's ghg] emissions …
Private jets are the worst.
'We’re tourism, we rely on flying’.”
One “gallon of ... jet fuel creates over 20 pounds of carbon dioxide.”
Cruise ships are no better than airplanes. In addition to their
“exhaust fumes, [they've] been caught discarding trash, fuel, and sewage directly into the ocean."
"Cruise ships ... use toxic heavy fuel oil ... described as [the] 'dirtiest of all fuels'."
A tourism boycott would bring layoffs: “In 2018, [tourism] generated 10% of global GDP.”
However painful, maybe it's better to tell hotel and restaurant employees the truth:
conventional tourism has to face the consequences of a changing atmosphere.
"Restaurant [and] ... resort [worker's] income ... depends on the weather.”
“Covid-19 dramatically curtailed Western imports and tourism for a time.
The consequences in poor countries were devastating. Hunger rose, and child mortality followed.”
The biggest tourist problem remains air travel & the aviation industry has done little about it.
“Airlines ... [pollution-reduction attempts] were ... wiped out by [their] ... annual increase in emissions.”
​ "Green initiatives marketed by airlines [have been labeled] as 'uncertain' or 'unrealistic'."
Like with cruise ships, airplane pollution is more than CO2, “planes emit mono-nitrogen oxides into the upper troposphere...and seed cirrus clouds with aerosols from fuel combustion.”
Said another way,
“Planes ... disturb the atmosphere, deposit pollutants, and form heat-trapping cirrus clouds at high altitudes.” ​​​
What have airports, airlines, and airplane makers done to help?
The “world's biggest plan to make flying green [is] 'too broken to fix'.”

If workers can’t, and industry won’t;
isn't it time for a boycott?
“Flying...often dominates the emission profiles of those...who can afford it.”
“Show your commitment...with action."
​​ “Refraining from flying...is an obvious way to help.”
Many have joined the flight-shame movement:
“I decided not to fly again,
and I have not regretted that decision.”
“Flying is the quickest and cheapest way
to warm the planet.”